Sanlam gap cover

KaeloXelus is registered with the Financial Services Board as an underwriting manager (“UMA”) and they distribute their products exclusively via independent intermediaries. Centriq fully underwrites all their insurance products.
Kaelo Consulting (Pty) Ltd is a registered company and Xelus (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider FSP: 36931

Sanlam has grown in popularity since entering the market due to their competitive price, generalised product and straightforward underwriting. Designed for the young and healthy who simply want to belong to some sort of gap cover. They include a hospital cash back option option which is relatively unique to them. They use Kaelo Xelus as administrators who are always improving in service and response times.


Please get in touch to check for suitability with us though as sometimes the focused product they have may not suit certain medical aid options like Keycare, Necess, etc.

Get a Sanlam gap cover quote now. We’ll call you back


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